Dialogue Racism: Continuing the Journey

Dialogue Racism: Continuing the Journey


The Center for the Healing of Racism


Dialogue:Racism:  Continuing the Journey

October 12, 2019

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

3412 Crawford St. @ Holman St.


Only people that attended Dialogue:  Racism in the past  

Group Size:  30 Participants 

Workshop Goals:

  • To allow past participants of Dialogue:Racism to further examine the most pervasive forms of racism:  unaware racism, white privilege and internalized racism.
  • To allow participants an opportunity to further dialogue and share their feelings and thoughts around the topic of racism.
  • To allow participants an opportunity to further examine their own racial conditioning and how it has affected their lives.
  • “There is no greater agony than burying a story inside of you.” – Maya Angelou

The sessions are free and open to the public, with donations encouraged.  Registration is a must by emailing cfhr1@juno.com or calling the Center’s office (713) 520-8226.  Parking on HCC Lot 9.  

The Mission:  To facilitate the healing of racism through education and dialogue in a safe and supportive environment in order to empower individuals and transform communities.

Event Type: Virtual
Date: Unknown
Duration: Unknown
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