22nd Annual Juneteenth Ally Award Bar-B-Que Luncheon

22nd Annual Juneteenth Ally Award Bar-B-Que Luncheon


The Center for the Healing of Racism Presents

The 22nd Annual Juneteenth Ally Award Bar-B-Que Luncheon
When: June 18, 2016
Where: 1800 Sul Ross, Pecore Hall
Time: 12:00 PM
RSVP by calling: 713-520-8226
Emailing: cfhr1@juno.com

Donation: $50.00

Yusef Salaam Pic

Meet Yusef Salaam,
2016 Ally Award Recipient
On April 19, 1989, a young woman in the prime of her life was brutally raped and left for dead in one of New York Cityís most iconic spaces, Central Park. Five teens from Harlem – four black and one Latino – were tried and convicted of the crime, the accused teens became known collectively as the “Central Park Five.”  One of those boys, Yusef Salaam, was just 15-years-old when his life was upended and changed forever. In 2002, after the Central Park Five spent between seven and 13 years of their lives behind bars, the sentences of the boys-now men-were overturned.

Yusef eagerly shares his story with others. In speaking out against injustice, he conveys the importance of continuing oneís educationówhether formal or otherwise. He also touches on the effects of incarceration and the disenfranchisement of economically disadvantaged people and its overwhelming effects on both their families and the community at large. Yusef also advocates for drastic policy changes relating to the prison industrial complex. He is a firm proponent of video surveillance in all police interactions with so-called suspects, banning solitary confinement for juveniles and staunchly opposes capital punishment.

Revere our
2016 Ally Award Recipients
The Family Members of 9 Victims of
The Charleston Shooting
(June 17, 2015)

Charleston victims

If you or your organization would like to support the 22nd Annual Juneteenth Ally Award Luncheon, please consider sponsorship at the following levels:
$5,000 and up – Ally
Listed as the title sponsor, name/logo recognition as sponsor on website and program. Half page ad in program (3) tables for 10, a single lifetime membership. CFHR lapel pin.
$3,000 – Advocate
Name/logo recognition as sponsor on website and program. Quarter page ad in program, (2) tables for 10, and a single 2016-2017 membership. CFHR lapel pin.
$1,000 – Ambassador
Name/logo recognition as sponsor on website and program. (1) table for 10. Will receive a single 2016-2017 membership. CFHR lapel pin.
$500 – Angel
Name listed in program, (1) table for (10). Will receive a CFHR lapel pin.

Event Registration
Please use our email address cfhr1@juno.com to register yourself, and then register your guests, or you may invite your guests to register themselves: We will not be using paper tickets. Mailing your check or using PayPal will insure you a place at the event.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to this event to aid in our work, if you are unable to attend.

Event Type: Virtual
Date: Unknown
Duration: Unknown
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